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Our People Are Fantastic

At Beau Catering, our people are everything – and the heart and soul of our success. We're so grateful for Beau's vision and proud to continue his legacy. We owe it all to the countless individuals who have supported us throughout the years. From our friends and family to our dedicated coworkers who became family, know that each one of you has built this company.


While we are known for our delicious food, to us, our exceptional service is equally important. Our ultimate goal is to ensure your satisfaction, regardless of the occasion. Whether it's your big day or a casual family dinner, we know it is a special and important occasion, and we want to make sure you have an enjoyable experience. Our team takes pride in their work and strives to exceed your expectations. Beau always knew how to bring people together through food and great service, and this philosophy is instilled in every member of our team.

We are incredibly grateful to the people who have been with us for years and have helped build Beau Catering into what it is today. Each person's dedication has contributed to our success, and we have weathered many storms and experienced many exciting moments together. We want to express our sincere gratitude to every individual who has been a part of this amazing team. And we thank you, our most special people. Beau Catering is only a success because our customers are fantastic, the vendors we work with are fantastic, our community is fantastic, and our ever-evolving team is fantastic. Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Chef Katie, Carmack & Lauren

Katie Hopkins (center) joined Beau Catering as Catering Manager in 2019 – and has been a strong force with us through all that the last several years brought our team. She came with a strong catering and management background and has absolutely shone as the new leader of Beau Catering. Her palate is so like Beau’s – he always trusted her ideas – and she is a fantastic baker! 


Carmack Kelley (right) has been a rock for us both on-site and in the office for years! He is the magic behind all the proposals and details of your event, with unparalleled attention to detail. 


Together with Katie and Carmack, Lauren Erickson Bennett (left) can continue to see Beau Catering thrive in our little spot of heaven here in the Triangle. It’s Blue Skies in our new Chapel Hill home!

Chef Beau Bennett

“I’m Beau from Beau Catering.”

Of all things Beau that run through my mind daily, this quote of his comes up the most and makes me smile every time. He said it all the time, even when it was completely obvious, which made me laugh every time.  He was most proud of this catering company – all the work, sweat, tears, and love that he and the entire team put into it. He started it with hope and an apple box full of knives, pans, and cutting boards and built it into a premiere catering company. He and his company became beloved throughout the Triangle wedding industry, and if you know Beau, you know he thrived on being adored. You couldn’t help but love him – and it is shown in his food. Every bit of food that any of you have eaten, or will continue to eat, has love and pride cooked into it. You weren’t just eating food but experiencing the heart and soul of those who prepared that food. That’s where The Beau Show came from. 

He was so excited to share his meal – your meal – with everyone that he felt compelled to grab the mic and tell the whole dang crowd about the menu! And they loved it. The Beau Show is irreplaceable, just as Beau is for all of us since he passed away. But his legacy endures with a team who cares so much for Beau and his vision, his self-taught culinary skills that built the simple and fresh backbone of this company, and his ability to thrive in chaos (you have to be able to do that to execute on-site catering!) that the phrase “I’m Beau from Beau Catering” means so much more to all of us than just stating the obvious. It means we each put all of ourselves into it, put the best of ourselves front forward, and even when it’s hard and long we take pride in our work and love it when it’s all quiet again, a crowd of happy faces and full stomachs and maybe some hugs of thanks.

Beau reached a personal pinnacle with his part in the article in Our State Magazine for helping to create Sunday brunch at The Colonial Inn. I am thankful every day that he got to experience that and receive accolades far and wide for something he felt to his very bones. To be able to have his name in lights and be a celebrated Chef even beyond the wedding community was a dream fulfilled. I chose to carry on Beau Catering because it is Beau’s home. It is a place that continues to be built on love, respect, and community. It is also a place for each of his team and his family to feel Beau’s presence and continue something he built while saying his name over and over and over. “I’m Beau from Beau Catering.”


Lauren Erickson Bennett


“I'm Beau from Beau Catering.”

“...we take pride in our work and love it when it’s all quiet again, a crowd of happy faces and full stomachs and maybe some hugs of thanks.”

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